No Time to Finish Your Work?

New year, but the same you?

Feel like you’re getting caught in an endless loop of too much work and no time for yourself? Most of us would be so transfixed on how productive we are at work, or how properly we manage our time that we keep postponing some of the essential things we would like to do, such as having a movie night with the kids, going shopping, cooking, rejuvenation, etc. We tend to feel stressed when we keep on postponing, or procrastinating the tasks that we had promised ourselves to complete.

This is why this year, we would like to introduce to you a decision matrix that can help you organize your tasks by priority and give you more free time to pursue your personal interests! Have you heard of the Eisenhower Matrix? It can organize your tasks into subgroups to help you identify which ones you should tackle first.
The name comes from Dwight Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States, who said:
“What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.” -Dwight Eisenhower, US President, 1953

If you follow the matrix, you will be able to eliminate distractions. Removing things that stop you from doing the more important tasks is a powerful tool in itself.
Start managing your day by picking just one big thing you can do that day. Your energy is not an endless resource, and no, you can’t handle everything in the same day. Learn how to better manage your energy, then gradually increase the number of important tasks you can do in a day.

Apply the matrix to your professional as well as your personal life in order to allow you to plan and schedule different activities so they don’t overlap