Assess your child’s symptoms in just 3 minutes

At Nextcare, we take great pride in our efficient claims management system to ensure your continued access to seamless healthcare.

We continually strive to develop new services that will simplify and improve your journey as a member.

If you or your child experience symptoms that you believe require medical care, you may use Symptom Checker service to obtain initial assessment in just 3 minutes.


Check symptoms now



Here are some benefits of using Symptom Checker:


Quick Assessment: Get a quick initial assessment of your symptoms in 3 minutes, helping you understand potential health concerns.


Convenience: Available 24/7, the symptom checker allows you to assess symptoms anytime, anywhere, eliminating the need of scheduling appointments and visiting a medical facility.


Cost Saving: Save on co-payment based on your insurance plan coverage


To get started, download the Lumi app, register, and choose ‘Symptom Checker.’ Answer questions about you or your child’s symptoms to understand potential causes and decide if further medical attention is required.



Download our app


Download here Lumi now and take control of your health today.



If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us visiting the contact us page.